Swiss Games

Escalation is a downward spiral. A nuclear armageddon is no one’s dream scenario. So choose your steps carefully, it’s a small path between war and peace. FIRST STRIKE is a real-time strategy game featuring snappy gameplay and an intuitive interface that makes dropping the big one as easy as ABC. But be sure to take the right measures to guarantee your people’s safety. Pick one of the big nuclear players – from known Superpowers to an upstart hellraiser like North Korea – and plan your strategy wisely: Limited but clever options let you as the leader of your superpower steer your nation’s fate: Expand to other countries, build bombs or debuild in order to restructure your arsenal. Or use research to widen your options, such as: Ability to act quicker and build bigger bombs, better recon on your enemies actions, automated self-defense-sequences and many more. First Strike is a twenty minute, fast paced realtime strategy game. You control one of eleven nuclear superpowers on earth and have to strategically conquer, research and attack global nations while defending yourself from missile attacks. Your goal is to be the last Alliance remaining once nuclear war breaks out and the whole world is in flames.
First Strike







  • 2014 · iOS, Android, Windows


  • Indie Prize Best Mobile Game
  • Best of Swiss Apps 2014
  • Best App Ever Awards Most Innovative Game

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